June 29, 2024

Start building – today…

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to remind you of this today: You matter!

Don’t wait for others to compliment or validate you. Much as it’s awesome when it happens, it often doesn’t. In fact, people can sometimes be downright mean picking you apart or cold-shouldering you for some unknown reason. We don’t always know why that happens – maybe jealousy or their own personal insecurities. Whatever the case, don’t let it tear you apart or wear you away. Know your worth. Be your own BIGGEST fan. Don’t wait for others to tell you that you matter. Matter to yourself!

AND REMEMBER. The thoughts swirling around in your head right now, the ones which come from deep-seated beliefs about who you are, have the power to make or break you. Consider the content of those thoughts. Are they understanding, encouraging, motivational? Are they accurate, or are they the internalised words of an overly critical person in your life – from now or in the past? If you wouldn’t say the words to a friend, why are you saying them to yourself?

Try to be a little kinder. Be the friend you’ve always wanted, the one you are to others. Don’t tear yourself down, because it’s within your control to do something different, to start today… Whatever your goal, put one foot in front of the other and move forward, one step at a time. Remember – Houses are built with small bricks (one by one), that together form a powerful structure, and inside this structure we are safe and warm.

Start building your house … today…
